Monday, October 3, 2011

Uncle Alan in town

We were fortunate to see Uncle Alan this past weekend, as he came through town on a business trip to San Diego. We think Jasper sees the same things in Alan that we do -- and that Alan sees the sames thing in Jasper that we do!


  1. Great pictures!
    Love from Grandmommy

  2. I love that kid! It was great seeing him (and you and Clea as well).

  3. such cuties! :) look at those joyous smiles! jasper really is getting so big. can't wait to see him for myself sometime soon!

  4. Don't make promises you can't deliver on, Melanie. ;-)

  5. :( i'll need to check with you all on dates, but i'm really aiming for a visit within the first few months of the new year. unfortunately, until then, it's pretty tough for me to travel b/c of finishing up thesis and then needing to defend it in mid-December. but i DO intend on delivering myself to LA in early 2012! :)
