Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cough cough!

Jasper, you big faker! Our son has developed a funny little habit of coughing twice -- just to get attention, we think. It's very cute.


  1. i love this video so much. i've watched it about 5 times. he's such a sweet little happy boy! i can't wait to see him again! xoxo

  2. He's not coughing--he's chuckling! Love it.

  3. That may be true! I think we've seen it in other contexts where it seemed to be more clearly a fake cough, but I agree that it does sound like laughing, so that's probably it.

  4. In watching this again, I'm touched at his look of disappointment when you decide to end the taping and say, "The End." He looks like he wanted to keep going for awhile.

  5. Oh Jasper, you've made me smile once again. Thank you.
