Monday, January 31, 2011

Grocery store attentiveness

The grocery store used to be Jasper's favorite place to sleep. As he's gotten more inquisitive about his environment, he's got a slightly different affect, as seen below. (Love how he perks to attention in this video.)


  1. He is so adorable! It's been fun seeing so many new entries to the blog these days--hopefully you've got it down to such a science that it takes you virtually no time at all?

  2. It doesn't take me much time -- it's really just a matter of remembering to do it! Also, sometimes we don't have new content for a couple days. There's a bunch of older stuff that's probably pretty cute that we've never put up -- maybe I will start putting up "retro posts" that remind us how small he was only a few months ago! It's just hard to sift through hundreds of videos to find the good nuggets that are definitely in there.
