Monday, January 31, 2011

Grocery store attentiveness

The grocery store used to be Jasper's favorite place to sleep. As he's gotten more inquisitive about his environment, he's got a slightly different affect, as seen below. (Love how he perks to attention in this video.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Who's imitating who?

Of course, it should really be "who's imitating whom." But he's a baby, give him a break on the grammar.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sloppy saliva hands

When the maniacal villain hands get too close to the mouth, they become sloppy saliva hands. And sometimes produce agitation.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Maniacal supervillain hands

One of our favorite Jasper's affectations is his tendency to rub his hands together in front of his face, kind of like a maniacal supervillain hatching an evil plan. Here he is at his supervillain-iest. Plus, some cute noises.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tickles and giggles

You can really work Jasper up into a laughing frenzy these days if you tickle him. Here is but a small example of that. It's hard to tell whether he's actually feeling the sensation of being tickled, or just likes the playing and attention, but either way, he's definitely having fun.

Happy five months on this earth, J!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

They don't have nicknames, but ...

... Jasper was super excited to meet his great aunt and great uncle on Sunday!

Ruth and Steve Dawson, Momo's sister and brother-in-law, were in town to visit their daughter Robin on their way back to Hawaii from London. We had a nice brunch -- nice because of the company, not so much because of the service!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's cold here!

We're having a bit of a cold spell, so Jasper needs to bundle up nice and good when he goes out. Thanks to Didi, he's got a matching hat and blanket to go out in!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jasper's (parents') new toy

A need has arisen to keep Jasper occupied in an upright position, so here's his newest apparatus, which he's almost big enough to truly master. A preview of hands-on interactions to come!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New year squeals and laughs

This one just speaks for itself ... one of our best Jasper videos ever!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

Jasper's second calendar year began ... well, began with him blissfully asleep in his basinet.

But before that, he went out with his Mummy and Daddy for a quick bite to eat at a local restaurant, where he wore his finest duds -- or at least the thing that Daddy thought looked sort of thematically appropriate for New Year's Eve, a black onesie with a lightning bolt. (Which I believe is courtesy of his Uncle Alan and Aunt Jill.)

Happy New Year everyone!