So, to recognize the fussy condition that has occupied him the last few days, here are a couple photos of Jasper on the verge of a good cranky session.

The good news: The storm broke today on the day the storms arrived (we had rain today), and Jasper was delightful as can be to his mummy. Here's hoping the five-day forecast is just as good!
i like that look he's giving you in the first photo- he definitely looks like he's saying, "don't even try me, dad!" glad he's calmed down a bit for you guys. hang in there! :-)
Sorry Jasper is giving you guys grief. Last weekend I interviewed a new host family for work who had a 4-month-old serenely plugged in to her pacifier. I know your doctors out there have discouraged them, but the mom I interviewed here said the doctors in New England are encouraging them to protect against SIDS--weird!