Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bedtime with Grandpa and Diddie

Ever so sorry for the long delay since our last post ... time does tend to go quickly, doesn't it?

For example, Grandpa and Diddie have already come and gone! Their visit began last Tuesday and ended this past Tuesday. A great time was had by all.

Here's some video of Jasper's bedtime routines, as performed by his adoring fans who traveled 3,000 miles just to see him. (Forgive the abrupt ending of the third video, as the battery in the video camera died.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stills from Maryland

Okay, so I'm still striking out on trying to upload videos. I even tried to get technical support last night and ran into nothing but dead ends.

However, still photos -- remember them? -- still work. So here are a smattering of photos from our recent trip. And since another set of Jasper's grandparents arrive in town today, the blog may go silent again for a few days as we document new memories.

A fussy Jasper finds something to keep him occupied on the plane - tearing out Kleenex from the dispenser in the bathroom.

Grandmommy gets to see her grandson for the first time since he was less than a month old.

Jasper enjoys his present from Grandmommy - or does he just enjoy the wrapping paper? Probably a little of both.

Jasper and Daddy pay their respects to Barack Obama.

Jasper and Mummy have some fun during lunch in D.C.

Jasper and Daddy dry off after a swim.

Jasper and Burren take stock of each other. Burren is the son of Daddy's friend J.D., who lives in Alexandria.

Daddy and J.D. pose with their sons.

Jasper is pooped after a long day.

Jasper and Grandmommy have fun at dinner on our last night in town.

Three generations.

Jasper and Daddy pay their respects to Abraham Lincoln on a second trip to D.C., before flying out that night.

The Lincoln Memorial is so grand, we can barely see Mummy and Jasper.

Wait, there they are!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Technical difficulties

I was hoping to upload a cute video of Jasper and his daddy in the swimming pool at the hotel in Maryland for Father's Day, but Blogger has been giving errors when trying to upload videos for the past few days. And because of a busy weekend we're getting way behind on the recent trip.

Sorry about the lag ... Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jasper in Annapolis

Here we find Jasper on a hot day in downtown Annapolis, the day of Rob & Angela's wedding. That would be this past Saturday. Great to see Grandmommy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Camera games

A little fun with Jasper. We didn't manage to record him having a conversation with his hands, but we did get some other fun stuff.

Hope this will tide you over to next week, when we will return from Maryland with new photos and videos of Jasper and his Grandmommy!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jasper at The Grove

Jasper gets excited over a fountain on a recent trip to a local shopping area called The Grove.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Milk and a little NPR

Just a snapshot of one of Jasper's typical evening rituals. Also shows a good example of his ability to self-soothe.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Goodbye Australia!

After a solid week of Jasper blog video goodness, we're wrapping up Jasper and Mummy's 11-day trip with a final few videos.

Aunt Melissa discovers Jasper's love for his own image in the mirror. Our little Narcissus!

Jasper poses with his aunt and grandfather on his last day in town.

Jasper may really be excited to see his dad again ... or he may just really enjoy that particular bouncy chair.

Don't be fooled by Jasper's apparent joy in the bassinet on the plane ... he didn't sleep a wink. (Poor Mummy!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jasper's first tram ride

Trams are a regular mode of transportation in Melbourne, but not for a little guy like this, for whom it's all brand new. You can tell by the wideness in his eyes.

Ah, but how quickly fascination turns into disinterest and actual sleep ...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

At Abi's

Jasper seen in his new classic pose, with one hand in mouth and other hand on ear. Also, looking suspicious about potential interactions with other children. But Mummy reports that he has indeed become an early fan of trucks.