Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jasper meets Mummy

Here are a couple cute photos of Jasper meeting Mummy for the first time, still wearing his "eye goop," which is one of the first things they put in after he's born. He was already like his daddy with that eye goop, as Derek has been resorting to drops and his own eye goop to control recurrent irritation from a cornea scratch in his left eye he suffered earlier this year. You can see a bit of the eye irritation in the bottom picture.

Good morning!

I love this video -- it always makes me laugh. I love his little attempts to open his eyes and see what in the world is happening to him. Also, this video gives you an excellent indication of just how misshapen the head needs to be to get through the birth canal. This strange shape is gone within just a few days.

Without any further ado, Jasper's first few moments of life ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hello Jasper!

Welcome to the blog for friends and family of Jasper Frost Armstrong!

We are creating this site as a repository for photos, videos and other Jasper-related news, so we can update friends and family in one place.

Feel free to comment, and tune back in for daily photo/video updates!


Derek & Clea